Topmodel Ventus 2cx ARF 4,5mt.

Topmodel Ventus 2cx ARF 4,5mt.Topmodel Ventus 2cx ARF 4,5mt.

Topmodel Ventus 2cx ARF 4,5mt.

SKU: TM02043
Ventus 2cx ARF 4,5mt.
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Class glider designed to 1:4 scale. Wingspan 4,5 m.


This magnificent scale model, to 1/4 scale is the new SHEMPP-HIRTH jewel. It really is a beautiful bird, brilliantly modelled, almost ready to fly, only 11 hours of work are necessary to fit the radio.
The flight is really very realistic.
Our VENTUS thermal-hunts to perfection, spiralling elegantly and efficiently. The split flaps are really a plus for keen R/C sailplane enthusiasts.
Landings are easy and precise, thanks to the powerful, ready-installed air-brakes.

The model can use electric power for perfectly autonomous flying (with the motor in the nose).


The model is designed and manufactured in Czech Republic. Spare parts are in stock.


Technical specification:


4500 mm

1610 mm

4,9-5,6 kg

76,5 dm2

65,2-74,5 g/dm2

HQ 3/14-2,5/12



The kit contents:
  • Ready fiberglass fuselage with carbon reinforcements and controls.
  • Elevator servo tray already installed in the fin post. Rear hatch latch, front dowel.
  • Ready foam core abachi wings covered with Oracover® with metallic airbrakes already installed.
  • Ailerons and flaps (2x2 pairs) finished ready to be hinged. Fiberglass rod wing joiner.
  • Fiberglass hollow molded winglets, horizontal stabilizer and fin.
  • High quality vinyl stickers set, CNC cut.
  • Hardware (servos trays, etc…)
  • Step by step building instructions.


  • Ailerons and flaps (6 micro servos)
  • elevator (1 micro servo)
  • rudder (1 servo STD)
  •  airbrakes (2 micro servos)